Are you living in joy? If some thing or some place or some job or some career or some person does not give you joy, find a way to let go. New joy, real joy will flow to you.
Are you living in gratitude? Are you saying (out loud) and writing every morning, and every evening at least 5 things you are thankful for? Are you living in gratitude even when a bad situation pops up? Do this. Good things to be thankful for will flow to you.
Are you living in a space of surrendering? Accepting situations. Bad ones, disappointing ones, sad ones. Stop the resistance. Don't let that be your default. Don't waste your energy on resistance. Acceptance takes the focus off of the negative issues, allowing solutions to flow to you. Allowing you to get on with other beautiful things in your life.
Are you celebrating you? Celebrating your achievements, your accomplishments? Or are you forgetting about yourself? Putting yourself aside. Not recognizing how important, special, valuable, Badass you are. Celebrate. More amazing things to celebrate will flow to you.