So what is Badass Gratitude, anyway?
It's pointing the gratitude finger inward. Yes, I'm talking about being grateful for YOU!
We're taught to shy away from that. That it's boastful or selfish. And all that's done is make us feel unworthy. Cause self doubt. Made us feel small.
So here's an opportunity to turn that around. To start your gratitude journey with being thankful for you! Every inch of you. Every aspect of your fabulous Badass self.
Gratitude Manifesto:
💕Thankful for who I am.
💕Thankful for where I've been.
💕Thankful for who I am becoming.
💕Thankful for my journey.
💕Thankful I get to rewrite my story.
💕Thankful I can show up my way.
💕Thankful I can made decisions.
💕Thankful happiness can be mine.
💕Thankful for all the beauty I see.
💕Thankful to inspire others.
This Gratitude Manifesto is part of MY BADASS GRATITUDE JOURNAL. The journal also includes 52 writing prompts (one for every week of the year), & inspirational quotes sprinkled throughout.
Take a look. It could change your life. Click Here to get your copy.
This is a gift you will want to buy for yourself and your friends. I can't wait for "My Badass Gratitude Journal" to help you manifest the most amazing life through the magic of gratitude.
